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Nanotop (CDTI, Innoglobal Collaborative project, 2017-2020) INNO-20171037 “APLICACIÓN DE NANOTECNOLOGÍA PARA DOTAR DE NUEVAS FUNCIONALIDADES AL CUERO USADO EN LA INDUSTRIA AUTOMOTRIZ”  Ecopol Tech Budget: 480.698,00€.. International consortium, 1SME and 1 big enterprise (GST  Autoleather)  Ecopol Tech is participating as a leader

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NeGeCo (Nucli I+D Gen Cat, Collaborative project, 2016-2019) RD16-1-0009 ''Obtenció d'un recobriment polimèric d'altes prestacions nanoestructurat hidrofóbic i oleofóbic'' Ecopol Tech budget::158.367,57€ consortium, 3 SME

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NanoImmuca (Nucli I+D Gen Cat, Collaborative project, 2018-2021) RD17-1-0079 “ Potenciació del sistema immunitari amb un sistema de nanoencapsulacióper lluitar contra el melanoma” budget: 206.644,82€. Individual Project


NanoSmartBi (Eurostars-interempresas internacional Collaborative project, 2020-2023) CIIP-20201007 Smart antibiotic multifunctional biodegradable polymeric nanocapsules to evade bacterial resistance. Budget  332.496,00€. Ecopol Tech is participating as a leader. International consortium, 2 SME

Duracis  (SOLAR-ERA.NET 2017-2020) Transnational Calls PV4 and CSP4  “Advanced global encapsulation solutions for long term stability in industrial flexible   Cu(In,Ga)Se2   photovoltaic   technology” . Ecopol Tech is participating as a partner.  Integration of 5 national subprojects with involvement of 4 research (academic) partners and 6 industrial partners. SOLAR-ERA.NET Transnational Calls PV4 and CSP4

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Solertex (Nucli I+D Gen Cat, Collaborative project, 2017-2019) RD16-1-0115 ''Recerca i desenvolupament d'un teixit fotovoltaic avançat per solucions i aplicacions en exterior'' Ecopol Tech budget::158.367,57€ consortium, 3 SME and 1 big enterprise (IASO)

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NanoSmart (Nucli I+D Gen Cat, Collaborative project, 2018-2021) RD17-1-0065 'Preparació i aplicació de nanocàpsules intel·ligents i potencialment escalables en teràpia de càncer'' budget: 213.880,92€. Individual project.


PoBeCo (Eurostars R+D project -Interempresas internacional  Collaborative project,  2017-2020 ), E! 10857 PoBeCo.  New Ecological Polymeric Beads household washing Technology (Eurostars  2017-2020), budget:  537.106,00€  Ecopol Tech is participating as a leader. International consortium, 1SME and 1 big enterprise (Arçelik)

Support for the certification of our products thanks to the assistance of the Spanish Cámara de Comercio through its program of Mentoring y Apoyo a la Internacionalización, funded by the European Union - NextGeneration EU. #PlanDeRecuperación

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