Nanotop (CDTI, Innoglobal Collaborative project, 2017-2020) INNO-20171037 “APPLICATION OF NANOTECHNOLOGY TO PROVIDE NEW FUNCTIONALITIES TO LEATHER USED IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY” Ecopol Tech Budget: €480,698.00.. International consortium, 1SME and 1 big enterprise (GST Autoleather) Ecopol Tech is participating as a leader
NeGeCo (Nucli R&D Gen Cat, Collaborative project, 2016-2019) RD16-1-0009 ''Obtained a polymeric coating with high performance hydrophobic and oleophobic nanostructures'' Ecopol Tech budget::€158,367.57 consortium, 3 EMS
NanoImmuca (Nucli R&D Gen Cat, Collaborative project, 2018-2021) RD17-1-0079 “Potentiation of the immune system with a nanoencapsulation system that can fight melanoma” budget: €206,644.82. Individual Project
NanoSmartBi (Eurostars-interempresas international Collaborative project, 2020-2023) CIIP-20201007 Smart antibiotic multifunctional biodegradable polymeric nanocapsules to evade bacterial resistance. Budget €332,496.00. Ecopol Tech is participating as a leader. International consortium, 2 SME
Duracis (SOLAR-ERA.NET 2017-2020) Transnational Calls PV4 and CSP4 “Advanced global encapsulation solutions for long term stability in industrial flexible Cu(In,Ga)Se2 photovoltaic technology” . Ecopol Tech is participating as a partner. Integration of 5 national subprojects with involvement of 4 research (academic) partners and 6 industrial partners. SOLAR-ERA.NET Transnational Calls PV4 and CSP4
Solertex (Nucli R&D Gen Cat, Collaborative project, 2017-2019) RD16-1-0115 ''Research and development of an advanced photovoltaic teixit for solutions and outdoor applications'' Ecopol Tech budget::€158,367.57 consortium , 3 SME and 1 big enterprise (IASO)
NanoSmart (Nucli R&D Gen Cat, Collaborative project, 2018-2021) RD17-1-0065 'Preparation and application of intelligent and potentially scalable nanocapsules in cancer therapy'' budget: €213,880.92. Individual project.
PoBeCo (Eurostars R+D project -Interempresas international Collaborative project, 2017-2020), E! 10857 PoBeCo. New Ecological Polymeric Beads household washing Technology (Eurostars 2017-2020), budget: €537,106.00 Ecopol Tech is participating as a leader. International consortium, 1SME and 1 big enterprise (Arçelik)
Support for the certification of our products thanks to the assistance of the Spanish Cámara de Comercio through its program of Mentoring y Apoyo a la Internacionalización, funded by the European Union - NextGeneration EU. #PlanDeRecuperación