Extracted and translated from the news check original article from El Punt Avui in Catalan here: https://www.elpuntavui.cat/societat/article/5-societat/1865088-demanda-disparada.html
Ecopol Tech, based in L'Arboç, is one of the chemical companies that took the step. The group is focused on the research, development and manufacture of high added-value nanostructured polymers, materials that are used both in the industrial sector and in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic. As Joaquin Bonelli, the company's R&D director, explains, during April they were working on the WHO's "recipe" for disinfectant hydroalcoholic gel. "But from the beginning we wanted to differentiate ourselves and enrich it with natural lavender oil for its antifungal and antibacterial properties, and its fragrance, absorption and hydration," he adds. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Tarragona company has manufactured 25,000 liters of this gel, a figure that represents a turnover of 165,000 euros.
Aside from the pride of having contributed its “grain of sand” to deal with the crisis, the manufacture of this antiseptic has been an oxygen balloon for Ecopol Tech. “We are an intensive company in research and production of high-performance polymers, which is why the current situation could lead to the risk of ERTO, but during these months we have managed to reinvent ourselves and compensate for a certain drop in turnover in the industrial part with the production of our hand sanitizing gel ”, says Bonelli. The hydroalcoholic gel is already part of its catalogue and increasingly in more diverse formats, even in 1,000-liter containers. And everything indicates that, for a long time, demand will continue to rise.